Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does shipping take?

    Usually shipping times vary between 2-5 business days and depending on when the order was placed. Orders are shipped out Monday through Thursday to avoid products sitting in uncontrollable conditions at mail carrier warehouses or vehicles over the weekend. You will receive an email when your order is being shipped out!

  • What happens if my product arrives damaged or doesn't arrive?

    If your product shows up damaged, please send an email with a picture of the shipping container, as well as the damaged product. We will do our best to help find a solution that is best for each customer. If a product hasn’t arrived, try checking your email for the tracking number to see where the order is. If there’s any further issues with shipping, contact us either via email or phone.

  • How long does it take to fill an order to ship?

    Typically, it takes about 1-2 business days to fill an order to be ready to ship. Orders are filled Monday through Thursday between 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-3pm Eastern Time. Orders will not be filled on Federal Holidays or on weekends.

  • What should I expect the title to be for billing?

    Currently, customers will see their billing as “On The Fritz Workshop LLC”. If you have any questions about billing, please contact us via email or phone prior to cancelling an order!

  • What should I do if my order won't go through?

    Once your order goes through, you’ll receive an email notification that the order has been placed. If you continue to receive an error message or the order won’t go through check out, try to re-enter your information and check for errors in spelling or card numbers. Make sure to enter the exact name on the card. If you continue to have issues, please reach out via email or phone for further assistance!